Sunday, October 26, 2014

bentlee's 2nd birthday.

Yesterday my mother-in-law and I headed out to my godson Bentlee's 2nd birthday party.

It was a baseball themed party, complete with a hot dog machine, popcorn machine, and baseball pinata!

Unfortunately, when you're only two, you don't typically break the pinata...especially with a nerf bat haha!

But you still get a lot of candy when it does break.

Sometimes when you turn two, it can be very scary when a bunch of people start singing "Happy Birthday" to you. And you might sit back in your chair with a very unsure look on your face.

But as soon as the singing is over, you're ready to blow out those candles!

When you're two, you're expected to eat with a fork...unlike last year, when you just got to stuff your face by using your hands.

But sometimes that's hard to do and you get frosting all over. And using napkins doesn't come until you turn three, so it's still socially appropriate for you to lick frosting off your arm.

Happy Birthday Bentlee! I can't wait to see how much your grow and change in this next year!

xoxo, God-momma

Monday, October 13, 2014

i am capable of keeping a baby alive.

Sometimes I think people assume I'm not domestic enough to do certain things.
Like cook a fancy meal from scratch.
Like produce the perfect stain remover from household ingredients.
Like have my house in tip-top shape every day.

And maybe they're right. (Actually they probably are right, about that stuff at least.)

But one thing I CAN do, is keep another human alive. Especially little humans.
If you actually take time to think about it...that's kind of what I do for a living. Keep little humans alive. 22 of them to be exact.

And while those little humans aren't babies, I knew I could keep my 5 month-old nephew alive for a few hours the other day while my in-laws took my other nephew and niece out for some early-Halloween fun.

 Fun fact: I took a babysitting class at the hospital when I was 12. I passed with flying colors.

Case in point:

Bonding time. Watching Notre Dame and talking about life and stuff.


It may not look like he's still alive...but I promise he is.

Time spent building self-esteem by telling the baby how cute he is.

Manners lesson: how to fold our hands politely.

Naked anatomy lesson: how to find your toes and eat them. 

We even had some animal bonding time, where cat and kid played together in perfect harmony.

I fed the baby human. And then changed the baby human's diaper after that food promptly went right through him.

Friendship time.

And then he fell asleep for another few minutes before everyone returned.

During my 6ish hour stint as babysitter:

His mom called to check up on me.
My husband checked up on me.
And my father-in-law checked up on me.

In my forever quest to become more domestic, I hope I proved to the world that I can, in fact, take care of a baby for a few hours. He came away alive, fed, changed, entertained, and unharmed. (And I think he loves me more now than he did before. I think I'm his favorite aunt!)

xoxo, aunt lisa

Saturday, October 11, 2014

miller family pictures 2014

Recently it was brought to attention that the last Miller Family Picture was taken like 9 or 10 years ago. Way before me or any of the kids were around. So we decided to make some updates. Last night we headed out to Bonneyville Mill to get some good shots. There were probably about 300, but the following are some of the best ones. Enjoy!

I think this is my favorite picture from the day.

This captures Jason and Tara's personalities to a tee. Always funny...but usually inappropriate haha!

We love these kids!

Lydia's stubborn personality was captured perfectly here. There was a moment when most of us were unsure of whether or not she would cooperate...but she did :)

I'm so glad we got to do this. The pictures turned out really nicely, and we had a fun time. (We also got quite a few laughs out of some of the outtakes!)

Monday, October 6, 2014

i did something stupid.

Last weekend, I decided to make some pasta while Ty was at Youth Group. I was working at the same time, and I got distracted. So the water all boiled away and the pasta burned. Instead of opting for the smart choice, I opted for the convenient option and dumped the whole thing down the garbage disposal. No problem that night.

Well the next day, I got home from work and noticed a bunch of crap in the sink. I wondered what on earth Ty had been doing after I left that morning. I turned on the hot water to clean the sink out. Next thing I know, the sink is filling up. I turned on the garbage disposal to get the water to go down, and it came up on the other side of the sink. THEN it started coming out the bottom of the dishwasher! I freaked out and ran to get some towels. I called Ty and he said he'd noticed that the sink was plugged that morning as well.

Dang it. I had to admit what I did.

Surprisingly, Ty was pretty cool about it (probably because it was MY fault and not his!) I did receive some teasing though. While he was on his way home, I googled some things to take care of this problem. It seemed like the miracle solution was going to be baking soda and vinegar. So I went to the store to get some.

Ty tried that method probably 5 times that night. And didn't work for OUR clog.

This is what our counter looked like after I had to clean out the cabinets under the sink. Ty took apart some of the piping to see if that would work. It didn't.

Then Ty bought a snake to see if he could do it himself. He tried a couple times. And nothing.
So he finally called the plumber who came and took care of it for us. After 4 days of not being able to use the sink/dishwasher, it was finally fixed!

The moral of this story is: NEVER put food down the garbage disposal.

xoxo, wife.