Saturday, September 24, 2016

Couples Survey

What are your middle names?
Matthew and NiCole

How long have you been together?
Since April 2007

Who asked who out?
I kept hinting that I wanted him to ask me out, but I think he was chicken! So I finally asked him if he wanted to go out to dinner and a movie over Christmas Break. He was the one that asked me to be his girlfriend though.

Do you have children together?

Abby and Bubba

Did you go to the same school?
Different high schools, same college.

Who is the most sensitive?
I think it depends on the day and the situation. We can both be pretty sensitive.

Who has the worst temper?
He does. Unless it's a certain time of the month...then I probably take the cake in the temper department haha!

Who does the cooking?
We don't really like the same foods, so he cooks his own food, and I cook my own food. On the rare occasion that we eat the same thing, we kind of take turns on who cooks it.

Who is the neat freak?
Unfortunately, neither of us. I think I get on him more often though about cleaning up after himself. "Just put your dishes IN the sink instead of NEXT to it" is something I feel like I say quite often. I'm better at cleaning as I go. He's better at deep cleaning all in one day. I notice clutter. He notices dust and cobwebs.

Who hogs the bed?
Abby! She sleeps wherever the heck she wants to...including on our pillows. She likes to lay with her head on my pillow, and her butt on Ty's. Now if you ask who the blanket hog is...that would be me haha!

Who wakes up earlier?
Me (unless it's hunting season...then he's up way earlier than any human should be.)

Where was your first date?
Ty picked me up and we went to see "We Are Marshall" at the movie theater, and then we went to Outback Steakhouse for dinner afterward. We had to wait so long for our food to be served that they gave us a certificate for a free Bloomin' Onion.

Who has the bigger family?

Do you get flowers often?
Yes :)

Who eats more?
Ty definitely eats more...I definitely eat worse.

Who does the laundry?
Me...he'll help out occasionally as needed. He's the only one allowed to do his hunting laundry though!

Who's better with the computer?

Who drives when you are together? 
Usually Ty. Unless he doesn't know how to get where we're going...then I'll drive.

Who picks where you go to dinner?
Me. I'm picky...Ty will eat pretty much wherever. He normally gives me some parameters though, "No Pizza Hut, no Fazoli's."

Who's the first one to admit when they're wrong?
Usually Ty.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?
I think it's pretty equal.

Who has more tattoos?
Ty has more.

Who eats more sweets?

Who loves who more?
I love him more. Just kidding :)

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Ever since I got my first pedicure, I've been begging Ty to go with me to get one. I knew he would enjoy it, if for no other reason than the foot/leg massage. But every time I asked him, he said no.

Then the other day he told me that on Saturday, I could pick whatever I wanted to do, since hunting season is about to begin and he won't be around as much, especially on the weekends. I started thinking of going to a movie, or something like that. But he said, "So if you want to go get a pedicure or whatever, I guess I would do that."

Ding ding ding! Finally!

Well when Saturday morning finally came, I was super tired and did NOT want to get out of bed. But then I realized that this may be the only time he would ever offer to go, so I promptly got out of bed!

He was reluctant (especially when I wanted to take a selfie outside the salon), but he was a good sport. When we walked in, he was amazed at how huge the place was, and also made a comment about the smell of the chemicals and nail dust and stuff.

He turned his massage chair on and seemed to enjoy that. Then he noticed that there was football on the tv and said, "I might be able to get used to this!" I had to laugh when the lady who was doing his feet had to go back into the back room and get an industrial cheese grater thing for his calluses! We joked about it for awhile. They asked us if we wanted to do a paraffin wax treatment, because it would be good for his heels, and we decided to go ahead and try it. He really liked that part, and the massage part...which I've been telling him for years that he would love.

I asked him if he would go again. He said, "I wouldn't want to make a habit out of it, but I'd go every once in awhile."

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Stitch in Time

Yes, I know it's been over a year since I posted anything.
No, I don't have any great excuses.

Now that I got that out of the way, let's move on, because there's a lot of "life" that needs to be documented around these parts.

Last Saturday was a rough day. We got a phone call that morning about the sudden and tragic death of Ty's younger cousin. Later that day, Ty wanted to go work in the woods, because that is the place where he can de-stress and talk to God about stuff.

I had just run to the grocery store and was putting the groceries away when he called me and said that he had been in a tree cutting branches (or something like that) with his saw when he slipped, and the saw cut his thumb. He had only been out there working for about 25 minutes.

He came home and we tried to decide if he actually needed stitches, because it wasn't bleeding anymore. I finally talked him into it, if for no other reason than he obviously needed a tetanus shot. So we headed out to urgent care, which turned out to be not so urgent about caring for us. We were there for almost 4 hours by the time all was said and done. I'm proud to say that I sat there and watched the whole thing and didn't even pass out! The worst part was when he got the lidocaine shot in his thumb...that was kind of hard to watch.

Because the cut was on his thumb, he had to wear a splint while the stitches did their thing. Then after 7 days, we were able to go back and get them taken out. This time thankfully, we were moved to the front of the line because all we were doing was removing stitches. So we were in and out within 20 minutes.

The doctor said it looked really good, and to keep it wrapped and wear the splint a few more days while the scar continues to heal. Hopefully the scar will be a good reminder to use one of the 10 pairs of work gloves he has in the future.