Monday, May 11, 2020

8 months old

Bryson turned 8 months old last week!

(I couldn't let this  whole pandemic go by without documenting it at least once during a milestone photoshoot, right?)

I'm dead. The polo, the little faded drawstring jeans, the natural mohawk that just happens on its own, and his sweet smile. I can't. I'm deceased.

Bryson continues to be the sweetest baby we could've ever asked for. He has actually slept through the night a few times in the last week, so we are hoping that is a trend that will continue {fingers crossed}. He has two tiny little teeth on the bottom, and I never knew that little teeth could make me so unbelievably happy! He continues to be a good mix of both Ty and I personality-wise, and we are so excited to watch him continue to grow and develop.

He is a champion eater, and will pretty much eat any pureed baby food we give him. He's not a fan of green veggies, so I mix those with applesauce if needed. We've started giving him little bits of regular foods too: bread, banana, strawberries, waffles, ice cream, mashed potatoes, etc. So far the consensus is that he likes most of the things he's tried (especially ice cream!), but is NOT a fan of noodles or potatoes yet. The majority of his nutritional value still comes from his formula, obviously, but that will change as he nears his first birthday (but we're not going to talk about his birthday, because there's no way he's old enough to even be bringing that up at all.)

Since he was born, Bryson has HATED being on his tummy, and that has led to a few delays in his gross motor skills. While he CAN roll in both directions, he tends to stop rolling before he gets to his belly, and will just stay on his side. But put that kid on his belly and he's a WHIZ at rolling back over to his back haha! We are still working on sitting up, which he can do, but for short periods of time, and only with supervision, because he likes to fling himself backward. We're also working on the crawling stance...but for the time being, I don't think it's going to happen super soon. Bryson proves to be stubborn, and the only thing that really seems to motivate him to get moving at all is a pacifier. He still loves to stand with help from us, and also likes to stand while holding onto tables (or our moving boxes.)

His fine motor skills are really coming along. He's getting really great at using his hands to grab and shake things, and has started to bang his toys or pacifiers together, which he thinks is hilarious. He can pull things out of containers, put them back in, and loves to feed himself little pieces of food or puffs. He's not always accurate with the tiny things, but he's getting really good! Right now he really likes to grab something in his chubby little hand and roll his wrist all around to show it off. He has also started playing the "how many times will you pick this up when I drop it" game.

Bryson loves to babble and make noises all the time (unless he's around new people, or if he's Facetiming someone.) He isn't saying any actual words yet, but has been experimenting with different consonants for awhile now. He has different tones of voice when he is happy, sad, and mad, and uses facial expressions that appropriately match those tones. 

We have also found that he has recently become scared of loud, sudden noises: cutting drywall, train horns, and the tape dispenser we've been using to pack boxes are noises he has been scared of this past week. 

I'm soaking up our last few days in this house with him. This will always be a special place, because it was his first home. I remember bringing him home from the hospital like it was just yesterday, and crying because I was just so happy to be home with my family finally complete. I can't believe that our next milestone post will be in a brand new house!

Until next month, 
xoxo, wife (& mommy)

1 comment:

  1. Every milestone is so great to see. I love watching him do all of his
    new accomplishes and his smile makes my heart go thump thump.
    Love you all
    Grandma Sue
