Monday, August 1, 2011

Last Weekend of Summer Getaway: Check.

Hubs wanted to go on a quick weekend trip before summer was over, so he planned one. All by himself. We spent the weekend in Ludington, MI enjoying the beaches, sunsets, hanging out in the pool, food, local shops, and lots of togetherness time. Although the trip didn't necessarily start off that smoothly (i.e. We had to turn around and go back to get my phone that I left on the couch, AND once we got to the Inn, I realized I left the camera card at home) it was a totally fun trip!

Here are some of the highlights (after we bought a new camera card at Rite-Aid):

 We visited an old village from the 1800's, and this was the one room school-house.
 Old fire engine.
 A memorial for a missionary.
 I was attacked by a bear while shopping at a local antique shop.

 Me and Ty both with "Maude" outside Maude's Garage.
 Hubs with his beer sampler at the local brewery.
 Hubs AFTER his beer sampler.
 My adorable husband posing for the public by some dune grass.
 Walking out to the lighthouse.

 Really cool clouds came in as a storm passed overhead. Check out the wavy-ness!
 This is the ferry that travels back and forth to Wisconsin.

Last day at the beach before heading back to reality.

Ty-thank you for planning such a fun trip for us to end the summer on. I had an amazing time with you. I love you!

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