Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bath time at our house

We're going away for the weekend (woo hoo!) and baby Abby will be spending the weekend at my mom and dad's. My mom typically makes it clear that she doesn't want my adorable baby to come over (but we all know that she loves Abby more than she lets on.) Anyway, my mom always demands requests politely that I give Abby a bath before she comes over. So tonight was bath night. Bath time with baby Abby consists of me getting wet, me getting severe back cramps from leaning over the tub for so long, and Abby fighting tooth and nail to NOT GET HER HEAD WET. But I win that battle every time. But my all-time favorite part of bath time is when she gets out of the tub. 


She's so efficient that I don't even have to finish the whole job! And don't worry, I gave her the treat she deserved for being a good girl, an ice cube. Don't ask me why, but that's like her favorite thing in the world. (And zero calories, which is good because the vet informed me that she's 1 whopping pound overweight.) Now she's all clean and ready to spend the weekend with Grammy and Grampy!

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