Tuesday, September 2, 2014

our all-school ice bucket challenge

I have some opinions of the whole ALS Ice Bucket Challenge thing that kept me from doing the challenges I was nominated to do. However, when it was presented to me that our administrators wanted to get the whole school involved in a challenge, I was on board. It was for a good cause (to raise money for ALS) and it was a teachable opportunity for my kinders (we can do things to show that we care for others who have different struggles than we do.)

We got the South Bend Fire Department to come out and literally hose us down. Then after that, students who donated money got to throw cups of ice water on a teacher of their choice. Needless to say, I was VERY wet, and VERY cold! I told Ty that I think I was more wet after the challenge than I am when I'm IN the shower!

The hose was hooked up to the ladder and sprayed us. ALL of us. A LOT.

These pictures don't do justice to how wet we really were. While this picture was taken, I literally had water dripping off me onto the floor. And we'd been inside a good 10 minutes!

There are a couple videos out there, but due to privacy settings, I can't share them. So you'll just have to imagine. My kids had a blast (besides the few who cried...because the water was a lot colder and harder than I think anyone expected.) But for the most part it was so fun. It was definitely one of those days where I was proud to work at the school I work at. It was a great way to show that we care about others, and a great way to bond together at the beginning of a new year. 

The fact that we (a school with very low-income families) were able to raise $594 in less than a week for ALS both astounds me and gives me great pride. The fact that some of these kids were bringing in their snack money or allowance and donating it was so sweet and selfless. Definitely not something we see every day. I'm so proud of our students, proud of our staff for putting this together, and proud to have been part of such a fun and charitable event.

xoxo, wife.

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