Wednesday, February 26, 2020

photo dump

I've been trying to catch up on recent events. Here are some pictures that have no specific event, but are still important (or cute) enough to post.

Whenever I go grocery shopping now, I wear Bryson in the carrier and he loves it! 

Gosh, I just want this to last forever and ever!

I can't look at this picture without smiling. That face!

Forever working on Tummy Time!

We're in the final days of swaddling, and I'm in mourning. First, I'm mourning the loss of my itty bitty baby, because he's growing up so fast. Second, I'm mourning the loss of my precious sleep, because I think we're all in for a rude awakening when we transition him out of being swaddled to sleep every night! He's been such a champion sleeper up to this point. He's been taking a 3 hour nap every afternoon, and sleeping 10-11 hours at night since he was about two and a half months old. I attribute almost all of that success to swadding and his pacifier. Who knows what we're in for now! It will be an adventure, that's for sure!

Another day, another grocery visit in the carrier. Always serious, and always studying everything and everyone around him!

Bryson's first birthday party! This is his best buddy, Malachi, who is about 8 weeks younger than him. Malachi has GREAT, they don't do that on purpose haha!

Look at this sweet church outfit! Bryson has been doing a fantastic job at church recently. 

Just keeping it's not always fun and games! Bryson currently loves to stand, and would stand for 30 minutes if you helped him...but homeboy does not care to sit. We've been practicing sitting, and he's just not feeling it. This was during a sitting lesson haha!

Diaper Time! This guy has become a wiggly worm during diaper changes!

(Fingers or fist always in the mouth!)

I took him outside during our last snowstorm! Look at that amazement!

My mom did a craft with Bryson! She painted his feet and made his little footprints into this painting!

I think that gets us pretty well caught up. 

Until next time, 
xoxo, wife (& mommy)

1 comment:

  1. I loved everyone of these pictures, he is the most precious baby ever.
    Love you guys
    Grandma Sue
