Thursday, February 27, 2020

baby's first cereal and veggies

Well, we did a thing.

We got the go ahead at Bryson's 4 month well-baby visit to start introducing cereal at 5 months, and veggies right before his 6 month appointment. We've done both in the past two weeks. Like everything, this little guy was very serious and showed no emotion at first, but we've been pleasantly surprised at how well he's gotten at eating from a spoon.

There are definitely times he doesn't appreciate that eating this way is slower than drinking a bottle. And there are times he decides he is done sitting in his high chair and wants out NOW. But overall, it's been a really positive experience, and I'm excited to talk to his pediatrician about how well it's going.

Let me first present to you: rice cereal.

The build-up: sitting in the high chair for the first time!

The first taste: 

He was pretty sure he was supposed to be helping.


The aftermath:

He got a little better as the days went on...

And now for your viewing pleasure: Bryson's first peas (about two weeks later)

Every new thing is a reminder that he's growing up so fast. But also that he's thriving. Each stage and new thing we get to do continues to prove more fun than the last!

Until next time,
xoxo, wife (& mommy)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how good he does eating from the spoon. Most babies have the food all over their face, hands, etc.
    I don't think he cared much for the peas. Bless his sweet little heart.
    Grandma Sue
