Tuesday, March 3, 2020

6 months old

This baby is 6 months old today, and I can't believe it! I never thought I'd be a sappy mama, but I've shed a few tears over this "half birthday."

We went to the doctor for his 6 month well-check early this morning. He weighs 17.5 pounds and grew a whopping 6 INCHES in the last 2 months! He went from the 46th percentile in length to the 85th percentile! We're slowly transitioning out of being swaddled at bedtime and it's going fairly decently. He's continuing to do pretty well eating solids from a spoon. He definitely has his favorites (rice cereal), and his least favorites (peas), but he's doing a great job, and we're looking forward to continuing to introduce more and more foods!

  • Current Likes: standing up (with help from mommy and daddy, of course), bath time (he just started really kicking and splashing with his feet last night!), studying new people/places carefully, giggling, being tickled, spitting, jabbering, putting anything he can get into his mouth, and being worn in the baby carrier.

  • Current Dislikes: peas and green beans, playing by himself, when mommy leaves the room and he is alone, and sitting still too long at church!
6 months ago I laid in a hospital bed...sore, swollen, and the most exhausted I've ever been. I had the tiniest little baby in my arms, and I just laid there and stared at him. I remember crying because he was just so perfect. Last night as I prayed over him while he was sleeping, I cried again...because he's still so perfect. Time is going too, too fast. I love each and every new stage, but it's true what they say: babies don't keep. 

Happy Half Birthday, sweet boy. I love you so much, and I'm so grateful for these last 6 months with you.

xoxo, mommy

1 comment:

  1. Each and every month is a blessing, treasure each one of them they do really go too fast.
    Love Grandma Sue
