Tuesday, March 24, 2020

living that quarantine life.

It's amazing how much life has changed in the last few weeks with the coronavirus pandemic. Schools are closed until at least May 1, we're live streaming church from our living room, we can't go out to eat at restaurants, and only essential travel is allowed. It's a crazy time.

Since I'm on a year-long maternity leave, my life hasn't changed too incredibly much. But I definitely miss leaving the house to go walk around Target, visit friends/family, enjoy my MOPS group, etc. However, I'm hopeful that this will all pass soon. I know that God has everything in control and am leaning on Him to bring peace and healing to our world quickly.

In the meantime, here is our quarantine life so far! (And from a week or two before.)

First time trying carrots. They were a hit! 

Our last date night before all this happened was to the annual RETA banquet. It was the first time I'd really gotten myself "done up" in awhile. It was so funny because Bryson kept looking at me in my dress so seriously, as if he were studying me. It was like he'd never seen me look nice before and he wasn't used to it haha! So funny!

We had a really nice time. The speaker was great and dinner was lovely!

It was FINALLY nice enough for a family walk around the neighborhood!

One of our last times out was a quick trip to Target and a visit to Mimi before nap time. 

I took my floor length mirror and put it in the living room so Bryson can look at himself while he plays. He really likes it. He also likes seeing us in the mirror and smiling/laughing at us.

We also made it through Bryson's first illness. He and I both got some nasty colds at the same time. Poor baby was also teething at the same time. I felt so bad! We both had some low grade fevers, runny noses, and coughs. Bryson was closely watched and got lots of extra snuggles for a few days. and then was on the mend!

I don't know if it was because he wasn't feeling the best, but he really did great with teething! His gums never got red and swollen...he was just drooling like crazy and then I noticed that a tooth had cut through. He handled it like a champ! (I hope they're all that easy!)

We wished Bryson's cousin Caleb a happy 14th birthday!

The Jumperoo has become the new favorite toy around here lately!

Bryson LOVES this hallway. He loves to stop and "pet" Abby and touch all the crosses in the hall whenever we walk by.

My mother-in-law Kim asked if my dad would like matching leprechaun hats with Bryson, and I knew he would! She made these for them in time for St. Patrick's Day! They'll also be perfect for ND games!

Bubba stole the play gym!

First time watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! I couldn't believe he sat there like this for an entire episode!

Last Thursday I was in a complete funk with quarantine life. I was in a bad mood and just not happy. I was angry that this whole situation is ruining the freedom we have during my time off this year. So the next day I woke up and told Bryson we were both putting on REAL clothes, I was doing my hair and makeup, we weren't going to watch any news coverage until the evening, and we were going to play ALL DAY LONG. It was a GREAT day. Sometimes you just need a little attitude adjustment to put things into perspective.

Standing up on his own (with daddy there for safety) and holding onto the ottoman. Such a big boy!

If you're reading this and don't have a way to worship during the quarantine, I'd love for you to "join" us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm(during Lent) and Sunday mornings at 10:00am! Click the link HERE for the Facebook page to live stream our worship services.

Speaking of that first tooth...it's still small, but it's there and growing by the day!

This big boy is also sleeping full time in his crib now! The first few nights he was turning himself completely sideways and this is how I was finding him in the mornings! Silly boy! Now he's getting the hang of it and staying turned the right way for the most part.

We're also working on sitting up with little/no support, and we're getting there. The pillow is only there in case he falls to the side. He was completely sitting up on his own here!

But then the cat came along and ruined our lesson. Of course. 

I also played a trick on Ty, because what else am I supposed to be doing with my life right now?

And finally, we were able to get out of the house (hallelujah!) for a little while today to run to the pharmacy and to pick up some lunch. We may have also broken some travel ban rules and driven by the new house to check out what they've been working on. Luckily, construction is still considered "essential work," so this whole thing shouldn't set our schedule back with the house any.

As there seems to be no end in sight for this new "normal," I'm sure I'll have many more quarantine updates coming. 

Until next time.

xoxo, wife (& mommy)

1 comment:

  1. I love getting to see this blog and how much Bryson has changed, and
    I now can see his blonde hair. He is such a cutie, love him to the moon ans back.
    Love you
    Grandma Sue
