Without going into a bunch of boring detail (most of which I don't understand and barely remember), all you need to know is that our well went out. We were without water for 12 DAYS. It was not the most fun, and while we tried to be as positive as possible, it didn't really bring out the best in our personalities either. Especially toward the end!
I'm so thankful to have family that lives so close. We were able to go to my parents' house to shower, bathe Bryson, wash bottles, and even do a couple loads of laundry. We filled up jugs of water so that we could fill the toilet tank and flush. We (even the cat) drank bottled water, and used paper dishes as much as possible.
I'm so thankful to have family that lives so close. We were able to go to my parents' house to shower, bathe Bryson, wash bottles, and even do a couple loads of laundry. We filled up jugs of water so that we could fill the toilet tank and flush. We (even the cat) drank bottled water, and used paper dishes as much as possible.
Bath time at Mimi and Grandpa's!
I was so happy to come home and see the top of our new well!
They had planned to drill out from the utility closet and under the deck, but they kept hitting the concrete steps that are still there underneath the deck. So they ended up having to drill through the wall in the basement instead. Not ideal, but I just wanted my water back, so I was willing to say yes to anything!
They made it look a little better before they left.
I had about 18 hours to get as many dishes and loads of laundry done as possible before they came back the next day to treat the water with heavy doses of bleach and chlorine due to the copper and possible e coli in our pipes. That meant it was back to drinking bottled water and not bathing the baby or doing laundry for a few days.
But thankfully it's all over and done with now. I can still smell some chlorine in the shower, but other than that, we're back to normal (even a little better than normal, because we went from a 2 inch well to a 4 inch well.)
Here's hoping nothing else major happens before we move this spring!
Until next time,
xoxo, wife (& mommy)
I felt so bad for you guys during this without water period of time. So happy it is back to normal now.