Thursday, November 21, 2019

bryson's baptism

We had Bryson baptized on October 20, 2019 in front of our church's congregation. We were so blessed to have friends and family there to celebrate him being baptized into a life of Christ. We chose Ty's brother and sister-in-law to be his godparents, to support us in raising him in a Christian household, and to hold the values of Jesus. It was such a special day. During the ceremony, I was surprised to find that I wasn't crying, because I bawled like a baby during my own baptism about 11 years ago. (Fun fact: I freaked out a tiny bit when I was being baptized because I thought I was tainting the Holy Water with my tears and snot!) Instead, I just experienced incredible joy for my son, and I think Ty would say the same thing.

This same pastor also baptized me when I was 21!

Bryson loves water and did a great job. He didn't make any noise until the pastor handed him back to me...then he made a couple angry noises, but nothing too bad!

Bryson's godparents: Jason and Tara

Bryson with the adorable bear his godparents gifted him in honor of his baptism. 

Ty and I have a big job ahead of us. Not only to we have to raise and protect our son, but we've accepted the task of raising him to be a godly man who loves Jesus with his whole heart. It won't always be easy, but with the help of his godparents, our family, friends, and of course our Heavenly Father, I know we will do our very best.

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