Friday, November 15, 2019

so, i had a baby...

We're just going to go ahead and ignore the fact that it's been exactly two years since I've posted a blog.

 But I'm back (hopefully for the foreseeable future), and I'm dusting off the old bloggity blog to start documenting our lives again. The reason I'd like to start doing that again is: I had a baby! Kind of a big deal, right? And I've become one of those annoying mothers who is totally obsessed with their new sweet babe and incessantly posts about them on social media. I post basically nothing else. So I figure this is a place where I can literally drop all the pictures, post about every adorable little face he makes, and every stinky poopy diaper he has and all that, and no one can complain. (And I highly doubt anyone still follows this blog after my two-year hiatus anyway!)

So without further ado: welcome back to XOXO, Wife (& Mommy)

I'll dedicate my first post back to my pregnancy. Pregnancy...what an incredibly miraculous, yet weird thing for your body to go through.

Ty and I found out I was pregnant very early on at just 4 weeks. It was January 17, 2019. I'd planned how I was going to tell him about a year earlier, and already had what I needed. So literally 20 minutes after I took the test, I presented him with a little gift, which he promptly dropped on the counter and nearly broke!

(Literally the second I found out I was pregnant. Still in the bathroom, eyes red and watering! It was a crazy 20 minutes being the only one who knew this insane news!)

We kept the secret to ourselves for a painstaking TWO WHOLE WEEKS before we shared the news with our parents and Ty's brother and sister-in-law. I also told my boss and my closest friend at work, and then we waited until the 12 week "safe" mark to announce it to everyone else.

At exactly 8 weeks on the dot, I began throwing up. Every morning around 7:00am, right before leaving for work. I was exhausted, could hardly eat anything, and was losing weight. Not to mention that the sight of anyone eating any kind of chicken made me gag. (And remember, most people didn't know yet!)

At 11 weeks, my doctor had me go in for an early glucose test due to my weight and the fact that my mom had gestational diabetes with me. Lo and behold, I was diagnosed with the condition at 11 weeks pregnant and literally flipped out. I begged and begged the nurse to allow me to take the 3 hour test so I could try to pass it and she declined, because my numbers had been too high to begin with. It was not my finest moment. I just couldn't get my mind around the fact that I could barely eat the foods I liked, let alone nasty plain meat and veggies. However, I think the whole thing was a fluke, because I was able to keep my diet completely the same and not have any issues due to the diabetes. Other than pricking my finger 4 times a day, I really didn't have any other inconveniences...even in the summer when I would eat ice cream for dinner.

Shortly after being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I began having some issues with high blood pressure. We began to go in for weekly appointments until we got that under control around 15 weeks. Then at 19 weeks, we were finally able to go in for our anatomy scan to find out what the gender of our little chicken nugget. We were both pretty convinced it would be a girl, and we had the name Emersyn Bryce picked out for her. The appointment was at 3:30 that afternoon, and it was the longest day of work EVER!

We were so happy to hear that everything looked great with our sweet babe's development and that we would actually be having a BOY! We were shocked! As soon as the appointment was over, we promptly went to Target to pick out a baby boy outfit (or two)! We also announced that he would be named Bryson John.

Things were pretty smooth sailing after that, besides my continuous vomiting. I threw up nearly every day from 8-18 weeks and then about 1-4 times a week after that. I especially had trouble when eating, and quickly learned that I needed to eat VERY slowly. I even had to run out of a restaurant during breakfast one morning and vomit outside the door. Also not my finest moment. I continued to lose some weight, but Bryson was still growing and all was good. My belly finally popped at 18 weeks and I began feeling my sweet boy wiggling around soon after that!

We continued to monitor my blood pressure and gestational diabetes, and around 28 weeks I began going in for weekly appointments to make sure Bryson and I were both okay. It was inconvenient to go every week, but we got to see him in an ultrasound at every one of those appointments, which was great. He was a bit of a stinker though, and didn't give us a good picture of his face or profile after 13 weeks! He was a big wiggler and was always facing my back. We did learn that he had a lot of hair (thanks heartburn!), and always liked to have his hands up by his head.

At 30 weeks, my doctor sent me from the office straight to the hospital for my high blood pressure. It was super scary because they were worried about preeclampsia, and I was worried the baby would have to be delivered too soon. We were able to get my blood pressure down, and with some medication adjustments, we were able to keep him cooking in my belly until he was big enough to come on out. The doctors told me that we would induce at 37 weeks because of those blood pressure concerns. And that is exactly what we did. I checked into the hospital to be induced the day I turned 37 weeks.

-To be continued...

xoxo, wife (& mommy)

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you are posting your experience with pictures. I love you so much and little Bryson is precious
