Friday, November 22, 2019

newborn photoshoot

We haven't had professional pictures taken since we got married. I love nice pictures, and they're important to me. But I just never wanted to spend the money on pictures of just Ty and seemed a bit vain. Enter Bryson. Now I feel like I need professional photos to commemorate every single day of his adorable life! I don't care if it makes us look vain anymore. My baby is gorgeous, and I like looking at him!

However, since we do not have a money tree growing in the backyard, I'm going to have to stick to doing most of them myself (see Halloween post tomorrow!) But it was very important to me to have some nice pictures taken while Bryson was still a newborn. I found a sweet photographer who was willing to come and shoot at our house, which I think is super special. Now we will always have pictures in our first home.

Our photographer arrived around 6:00pm, since Ty works during the day. Up until this very night, Bryson had been the most perfect baby. He hardly ever cried or fussed. But I swear, the instant that photographer came in the door and started charging us money, he became a different child altogether! He was so fussy the entire time. I literally fed him FOUR times in the time we were taking pictures. The photographer even stayed an hour later than planned because of it (and 8 months pregnant to boot!) I was worried we weren't going to get any decent shots. But we did, and I'd love to share them!

I'm not going to include every single picture that we got, but I will share some of my favorites. I ordered a few to hang on the walls, and made a photo book out of the rest. So now, without further insane amount of pictures of my sweet family.

Is it just me...or has he gotten even hotter since becoming a dad?!

We got some super cute shots of his sweet little yawns!

I'm so glad we were able to get some photos in his nursery. It's my favorite room in the entire house. 

At the VERY end of the night...literally the last 10 minutes, he finally fell asleep and was calm/easy to move around and pose.

I get emotional every time I see this picture. 

And just in case you didn't believe me...this is what we were working with nearly the whole time haha! I can't imagine how many pictures the photographer had to delete because he was screaming and crying! But this is real life, and I'm grateful we have a picture to document that the newborn phase was amazing and wonderful, but not always sunshine and rainbows.

I think I'm officially addicted to family photos now. I'm off to go get an extra job to fund photo shoots for every major milestone in his life now!

xoxo, wife (& mommy)

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