Friday, December 13, 2019

picture dump

Here's what's been going on the last 10(ish) days. Basically just an obscene amount of pictures of my baby!

This is the current wallpaper on my phone. I just can't get over how cute he is in this picture!

In an effort to not only document the good stuff: this was a bad day. It was a couple Mondays ago, and it was one of those days where it seems like unless he was eating or sleeping, he was crying. It wasn't fun. But we gave ourselves some grace, and after a nice nap for both of us, things were much better!

I never ever ever want to forget moments like this!

We've really been working on sitting up and head/neck control lately. He's doing so great! Even though he looks a bit concerned, he really does seem to like sitting up.

Such a big boy!

We took a quick road trip last weekend to go to a tree trimming party with friends. Bryson tends to get a little fussy in the evenings before bedtime, but he was so good! We were even out way past the time we normally put him to bed. 

Update: still loves taking a bath, and would prefer to never get out of the water ever.

I can't tell you how many times I get stopped while we're out for someone to tell me how cute this hat is! I'm going to be so sad when it doesn't fit anymore!

Sweet model baby.

I'm finally getting the hang of this wrap to wear him around the house. He likes it, and almost always falls asleep when he's in there.

I was so happy to be invited to my church's MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group, even though I don't have a preschooler. I surprised myself my going, because it's out of my comfort zone, but it has really become something I look forward to each month. The moms are all really sweet, and I'm definitely going to miss this group when I go back to work next year. 

I think that's it for now...besides our Christmas card photo shoot, which I won't share since not all our cards have been delivered yet. Fun fact: we do all our Christmas cards ourselves. I typically come up with an idea, and we take the photos at home with our own camera. Then I design the cards online and we have them sent to us!

Until next time,
xoxo, wife (& mommy)

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