Someone is finally big enough to fit into his favorite hand-me-down outfit we received before he was born! This is the coolest little Calvin Klein sweats outfit with little leather patches (also on the knees of the cute!)
I didn't get an "after" picture, but I tried my hand at making stuffed shells last week. I'd never made them before, and they were pretty good!
Since we've been packing and getting the house ready to be listed for sale, Bubba has been finding some new and odd places to nap.
Speaking of getting the house ready to sell, I've been spending a bunch of time CLEANING (often down on my hands and knees) and getting ready for our realtor to come. We were finally ready for her to stop by last week. After looking at the house, she said we're ready to list it. We were pleasantly surprised that she threw out a price quite a bit higher than we'd thought.
We also tried {clean} painting for the first time! I squirted (way too much) paint onto a piece of card stock.
Put the card stock in a large ziploc bag.
Taped the bag to the tray on the high chair, and show him how to move the paint around with his hands. He was more interested in trying to rip the bag off the tray. He loves things that make a crinkling noise!
This was the end result:
I want to start some fun "traditions," so I've declared that on Saturdays when we all wake up, we'll have Saturday Mornings in the Big Bed, where we bring him into our bed and we spend a little time together waking up. Last Saturday, Bryson helped Ty check all his social media activity.
Bryson is getting better and better each day at sitting up on his own!
And sometimes falls asleep in his bouncer when he has worn himself out. This literally happened just in the time I went to the bathroom and came back. He was bouncing away when I went in...and dead asleep when I came out!
God blessed us with a little rainbow last week as well, which was a pleasant surprise after a few days of dreary weather and snow.
It was also the Week of Birthdays! My mother-in-law's (Ma's) birthday was Tuesday, Ty's birthday was Thursday, my nephew Silas' birthday was Friday, and my good friend's son had a birthday on Saturday! Whew!
I cannot get enough of that open-mouthed smile. It seriously brings me so much joy!
We tried giving Bryson actual carrots (not pureed) for the first time. He obviously can't bite off pieces and actually eat them, but he seems to really like chewing on them (and dropping them on the floor!)
This boy and his sweet fake mohawk. It cannot be tamed...and I kind of love it. For now!
I got a mask. I put it on just for the sake of this picture and thought I would die of claustrophobia. I'll keep it in my bag, but I doubt I'll ever be able to wear it without hyperventilating in public.
I stopped and picked up some Starbucks for my girlfriends when we had another Trunk Party in the library parking lot. This is very quickly becoming my favorite part of the week. It's so nice to actually get out of the house and interact with people other than family. I love my family...but it's nice to see and talk to other people once in awhile as well! I just wish we could have playdates and I could see and love on their kids, too!
After the Trunk Party, Bryson got a package in the mail from my friend Joe, his wife, and their kids. It was the sweetest! We are starting to LOVE silicone food things. They are so easy to clean, and the bibs are great at catching any food that he drops or falls out of his mouth. I can't wait to be able to go to an actual restaurant again so we can use this place mat. For now I have it on his high chair tray. We of course had to send a thank you picture to our friends! They have a little baby boy about 3 months younger than Bryson, and we can't wait for them to be best buddies!
Can YOU do this? Doubt it.
I think the only other news I have since my last update is that our new house is about done (yay!) We should be doing the final walk-through in the next week, and then we'll be all set to move! The photographer also came to take pictures of our current house so we can put it on the market this week. I'm praying for a quick sale to a wonderful family who will enjoy this house as much as we have, and as much as my family has for years. (Fun fact: my mom lived here when she was in high school! It's been in our family that long!) We hope this house will continue to bless families for a long time.
Until next time,
xoxo, wife (& mommy)
I truly loved getting to see Bryson yesterday, he is getting so big and doing so many different things.