Saturday, April 25, 2020

tylan's 34th birthday

It's 2020. Birthdays just aren't what they used to be, huh? Gone are the days of going out to eat, celebrating with family, shopping for birthday presents at actual stores, or even getting online presents delivered in time. Ty's birthday this year also coincided with his mom's retirement party in their office. So I was bummed that he wouldn't have a day that was special and "just his."

I tried to do my best though.

We started by posting a Happy Birthday picture for him.

These pictures are becoming more and more difficult to illustrated below:

I ordered an ice cream cake from Coldstone (cookie dough delight, his favorite!), and picked that up before he came home. We ended up being pretty disappointed. The "cookie dough" ice cream had about 2 pieces of cookie dough in it.

I had wanted to make dinner in the crock pot that evening, but we were supposed to have a photographer come to take pictures of our house to be able to list it for sale, and I didn't want the crock pot out cluttering up the counter for pictures. (Side note: my ENTIRE day revolved around this photographer coming...and he never showed up. UGH.) So I decided last minute to make chicken on the stove instead.

Then he opened the one present that arrived on time: an electronic mug warmer for work that will keep his coffee warm at his desk. Bryson just liked the tissue paper. 

Then it was time for Happy Birthday and cake!

There was no party, no dining out, no bells and whistles. But when I asked him at the end of the day, Ty said that it was still a good birthday. Hopefully by next year (the big 35!), things will be back to normal and we can celebrate a bit differently. 

Happy Birthday, Tylan!
xoxo, wife (& Bryson)

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