Sunday, January 19, 2020

2020 Week 3

Started the week with a quick visit to see Mimi on Monday.

Well, that certainly doesn't look comfortable.

Bryson's definitely starting to take an interest in toys. Especially toys that he can hold onto easily.

Also, as you notice...we're still doing LOTS of Tummy Time. 

We love when Daddy has Fridays off to spend extra time with us!

Naked play time at night right before bed is still his favorite!

We took a family trip to the grocery store where Bryson received quite a few compliments about how cute he and/or his little hat was. I also saw a few students from of who yelled at me from across the parking lot haha!

Sweet baby wanted to read my book, but I told him it didn't seem appropriate for his age. 

We were looking outside at the snow and this is the face he made haha!

We went to MOPS on Thursday, and then I had Girls Night with my friends that night. My mom came over to watch him until Ty got home from work. 

Another awesome week filled with memories. 

Until next time!
xoxo, wife (& mommy)

1 comment:

  1. I loved everyone of these pictures. He really has found his mouth and
    his fingers HaHa Love from Grandma Sue
