Thursday, June 21, 2012

not always glamorous.

I can be a very self-conscious person at times...and I'm sure you can all relate. 
I try (probably way too hard most of the time) to look my super cutest in pictures.
I try to get my "good side" in the picture, and will stand a certain way or smile a certain way to ensure that I look my best...and most of the time it backfires.
My thought process is always this:
When my future grand kids see pictures of me, I want them to think, "Man, my granny was sure cute when she was young!"
But while looking back through pictures on my computer today, I realized that the pictures that I got the biggest kick out of, weren't the ones where we were smiling perfectly.
The ones I enjoyed looking at the most, and the ones that made me smile and reminisce were the ones that were silly.
Those are the pictures that truly show our personality.
And to be completely honest, life isn't always glamorous, is it?

I wouldn't say that any of these pictures are "cute," or that I'm proud of the way I look in any of them.
But thinking about it now, I don't care if my grand kids think I was pretty.
Because I'd much rather them say, "Man, it looks like my granny was a fun person."
Maybe they'd use other adjectives...
like crazy, weird, a doofus, moron, creepy, or odd.
But I'd like to think they'd go with fun instead :)

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