Beautiful, huh?
I just got back from the last service to be held by our congregation at this church.
Awhile back, we decided to sell so that we could build a larger church for our expanding congregation.
We recently sold it to another Christian group that (thankfully) is going to keep it as a church and not tear it down. Now we will be worshiping in our church's school until our new church is built.
I've technically only been a member of this church for about 4 years.
But those 4 years have held lots of memories for me.
This is where I became a daughter of Christ and prepared for my baptism.
This is where I first really studied the Bible.
This is where I took confirmation classes.
This is where I attended my first Ash Wednesday service ever.
This is where I attended some of the most beautiful Christmas Eve services ever.
This is where I had my first confession.
This is where I had a humbling experience in which I had my feet washed by my Pastor.
This is where I got married to my wonderful husband in the company of everyone we love.
It's sad to say goodbye to this beautiful place.
But as I was listening to my Pastor's homily tonight, I became excited for what God has in store for Trinity Lutheran Church. I will cherish the memories I have of this place, but will wait in joy for what is to come.
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