And now, over in the Miller household, Christmas has officially come to an end.
Yesterday we had our last celebration of the year with my mother-in-law's side of the family.
Tylan with his cousin, Tia Rae.
They're pretty cute if you ask me.
They're pretty cute if you ask me.
My nephew and my godson :) I also got to feed my godson yesterday. I have to say, it's been a LONG while since I've fed a baby. I was quite enjoying myself until I had to burp him. Did I get spit up on? No, because to get spit up on, there has to be an acutal burp. I feel like I beat the crap out of Bentlee's back for hours! The kid wouldn't burp. I felt like a failure of a Godmother. But after about 30 minutes (literally)...and probably some bruising on his back, he finally gave in and burped. It was probably fake...just an effort to get me off his back (pun intended.)
On the way home, Ty told me it was adorable to watch me with Bentlee. He said I looked like a natural. Which made me feel good because I always feel like a goofball with babies.
Here are the two new additions to the family this year, wearing their "First Christmas" hats that Aunt Kimi and Uncle Christopher got them. (Well, Lydia was wearing it right before I snapped the picture.) Neither baby looks quite as thrilled as Kimi and Chris!
Lydia also doesn't look too thrilled to be forced into pictures with Uncle Ty and Aunt Lisa. Perhaps she was in a bad mood after pooping through TWO outfits within THREE hours! Yeah, that might have been it. Darn those antibiotics! Luckily, she had gotten some clothes as presents, because Mommy was out of outfits for her.
And thus ends another year of Christmas celebrations. I'm officially planning on taking all the decorations down tomorrow, and getting back to a sense of normalcy.
Happy Last Day of 2012.
xoxo, wife.