Saturday, December 15, 2012

how to: be a kindergartner.

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***I had originally written this post about a week ago. After the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School yesterday, it made this post that much more sentimental. I detailed the things Kindergarteners do that absolutely annoy me and make me want to pull my hair out, but then at the end, speak about the heartwarming things they do. All those things cancel out the bad...ten-fold.

This tragedy really hit home for me. I can totally put myself and my students in that situation, and imagine the fear that took place in those rooms. Those little babies were probably screaming for their moms and dads, terrified about what was happening. I imagine what I would have been trying to do in those horrible moments, both trying to comfort and protect them...telling them I love them. Because I really do love them. Each and every one. And now I look back at this list of things they do that annoy me, and I'm so grateful that they are safe, happy, healthy, and able to do these things that make me want to snap sometimes.
So, without further ado:

How to be a Kindergartener:
1. Say your teacher's name about 20 times in a minute.
2. Pee your pants every few days.
3. Pick your nose. Then either eat it...or wipe it on the kid next to you.
4. Refuse to tie your own shoes, buckle your own belt, or zip your own coat.
5. Ask to use the bathroom 57 times a day. And then still pee your pants.
6. Tattle on your friends.
7. Make sure you miss the toilet/trash can and throw up on the floor.
8. Lose your lunchbox, sweater, mittens, homework, and lunch card. All in one day.
9. Break all your crayons the first day you open a new box.
10. Leave the cap off your glue stick.
11. Tattle about every little thing...even if it has nothing to do with you.
12. Spill your lunch all over your school uniform.
13. Roll around in the dirt at recess so your mom and dad get mad at your teacher.
14. Give your teacher a million hugs a day.
15. Give compliments to your friends when they write a good story.
16. Get that bright, excited look on your face when you read a book for the first time all on your own.
17. Apologize when you've hurt someone's feelings.
18. Say, "I love to read." It warms your teacher's heart.
19. Learn lots every day.
20. When someone is sad or hurt, make them feel better.
21. Show your homework proudly to your teacher each morning, because you're so excited that you can do it by yourself.
22. Grow into an independent thinker, and establish a love of learning.
23. Let your teacher hug you at your kindergarten graduation...and don't be surprised if she cries a little.
24. Come and visit your old classroom when you're in first grade.
Every single one of these things happen daily in my classroom. And today I am reminded of just how blessed I am to have been given this group of kids...these sweet, innocent souls that I get to spend 8 hours a day for 190 days with. I now know that on Monday, they will be given hugs that last a little longer. I will pay closer attention when they tell me all about the hot dog they had for dinner last night. And they will KNOW how much I truly care about them.
xoxo, wife.


  1. Beautifully written. Had tears in my eyes
    reading it. I just wish all the parents
    could read it also.
    Grandma Sue

  2. LOVE THIS. cannot wait to meet up and talk about our teaching experiences and brag on our kids.

    God Bless the families of those teachers who protected those kids...I know I would do the same, but am SO grateful that it has not been us.

    Love you! Hope to see you soon
