Saturday, May 26, 2012


Listening: Pandora. My current favorite station is “Priscilla Ahn Radio.” I’m very into mellow, acoustic-ish music right now, and everything on that station is right up my alley.

Eating: Nothing right now…. . . but I may have had some mac and cheese for lunch earlier. Duh.

Wearing: Skinny jeans and a flowy red sleeveless button down top from Old Navy. I also have on my new watch, and my new necklace from Etsy that has my name, ty’s name, and our anniversary date on it.

Feeling: totally relaxed and content. 4 day weekends are totally where its at. I have a ton of stuff to do, but I have 4 days to do it all in, so there are plenty of breaks for Pinterest and whatnot :)

Weather: The sun’s shining and its about 86. I can see some clouds trying to make their way in though. Boo.

Reading: Kate, another blogger that I’m always reading, mentioned the book called “Bloom” and how she couldn’t put it down. So I thought I’d check it out. It’s a memoir of a mother who gave birth to a daughter with Downs Syndrome. So far I’m riveted. The author has a knack for writing in a way that is very relatable. I love it because she's not afraid to say what she really feels, even if its not what you would think is "right."

Needing: Motivation to go down and fold the laundry. But there are so many more fun things to do. . . 

Dreading: As much as I’m looking forward to summer vacay, I’m dreading Kindergarten graduation. I’ve been close to tears every time we’ve practiced, so I know when we do the real thing, I’m gonna be a total mess. I love my kiddos so much! I don’t want to give them away!

What are YOU currently up to?  

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